Your solar journey

1. Request a Quote

Fill in the "Request a Quote" form, call or e-mail our specialists and find out if going solar is right for you.

2. Proposal

Shortly you will receive a Proposal showing your solar system size, project cost and financial savings

3. Site Survey

Our professional technician will visit your home, assess the roof and the electrical panel

4. Plan

A site plan will be created by our specialists for you to review and confirm

5. Installation

Our best-in-class crew will execute the installation of your system

6. Interconnection

Your local utility company changed the energy meter

7. Power On

Our technician will turn on the switch and your system will be connected to the grid. Now you are already saving

8. Monitoring and Support

You will have real-time access to monitor your system operate, having our Team by your side to support with any questions further on


Go green

  • At EcoVille Georgia this is the heart of what we believe: our nation's current power generation is not sustainable and environmentally friendly. As a country, we still get over 67% of our electricity from fossil fuels.
  • Regardless if one believes in global warming or not, we can all agree that the toxic gases emitted by these carbon-based energy sources into the atmosphere are very harmful and dangerous. The simple test is this: would you like your family to live next to a coal-fired power plant?


4 000 000
trees saved
80,000 tons of reduced CO2 emissions
The equivalent of taking 900 cars off the road


Every hour enough sunlight reaches the Earth to power humanity for an entire year, and solar systems help us harness that power. They also help homeowners reduce their reliance on harmful, non-renewable energy sources. For many of our customers this will be the first meaningful contribution they make to their environmental stewardship to reduce their carbon footprint.

Solar energy is by far one of the cleanest and safest forms of power. By having solar panels installed on your home, you will produce your own energy instead of relying on these harmful fossil fuels. This will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, water pollution, and earth's strain on finite resources.

Solar FAQs

How Do Solar Panels Work?
Solar panels absorb the sun's energy throughout the day. Then the inverter converts it into clean, renewable electricity. Our products are Tier 1 quality, ensuring our customers' systems are highly efficient and can easily power their homes on a daily basis.
Will I really save with solar?
Not only you will start immediately seeing lower utility bills, but you'll also see long-term savings over the lifetime of your system. A grid-tied PV system can protect you from electricity price increases for decades.
How much will I save with a solar system?
Your current monthly energy use and the size of your system will determine your actual savings amount. And with little or no startup costs, systems can start paying for themselves immediately. Savings will vary based on several factors, including system size, performance and your household's average energy usage.
How much roof space will I need for solar panels?
This very much depends on the positioning of your roof, the tilt and the structure. Without racking system, every kilowatt of the solar array takes about 6-7 square meters. So a typical 5kW array will take a roof area of ​​about 30-35 square meters.
What is Net Metering?
Net metering is a utility billing mechanism available that offers a credit to residential and business customers who are making excess electricity with their solar panel systems and sending it back to the grid.
How Does Net Metering Work?
When you have a rooftop solar system, it can often generate more electricity than you consume during daylight hours. With net metering, the homeowner is only billed for the "net" energy used each month, that is, the difference between the energy produced by the solar power system and the energy consumed by the house over the monthly billing period. When your house or business is net-metered, you'll see the meter running backwards, and that means, you may get a credit to hedge against the electricity you use from the grid when it's not sunny or at nighttime. You are then billed only for your "net" energy use. The excess energy generated gets put back to the grid for your neighbors to use.